Revision Rhinoplasty
OR Video Footage: Osteotomies for Revision Rhinoplasty
Revision Rhinoplasty with Rib Grafting
Sheriff Shot in the Face Gets a New Nose
JOHN: I work for the Sheriff’s Department in Los Angeles and several years ago I was involved in an incident where I was shot in the face. It went through my nose and pretty much blew out the right side of my face, the eye. Everything was pretty much taken care of at the time […]
First Hand Look at Revision Rhinoplasty
Dr. Nassif: Teodora is a very sweet Romanian lady who had a rhinoplasty in 2008. I saw Teodora approximately one year after her initial surgery. Teodora: The other doctor changed completely my appearance I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror it was a shock and I was depressed because of this. I went to a […]