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S/P Rhinoplasty X 4 with external nasal deformity with bilateral nasal obstruction secondary to left greater than right external valve collapse and internal valve collapse.
Fifth Revision Rhinoplasty with rib graft and bilateral composite grafts.
Right Deep Temporalis fascia graft, platelet gel application.
FINDINGS: Tip encased with scar with small remnants of lateral crura present, Inverted V deformity following osteotomies, right middle vault narrower than left, wide left pyriform/lateral nasal wall despite multiple osteotomies, left greater than right external valve (weak alar); fibrosis/thick soft tissue at upper dorsum/radix skin with possibly hypertrophic procerus. Right greater than left alar retraction. Grafts placed: bilateral alar batten grafts, columellar strut, spreader grafts and combined infra-lobular onlay grafts, bilateral composite grafts.
COMMENTS: Her 14 month post-op results reveal an improved, more symmetric nose. The patient can also breathe better.